Read some words, view some photos or listen to some tunes...
even when real life gets in the way

Monday, March 29, 2010

Some of my photography

Hello Visitors -

For those of you not from Milwaukee, you might enjoy this video I made of photos and video, many of which are from the little big city that I know and love -- Milwaukee.

There are also shots of San Diego, Arizona, Northern Wisconsin and Italy.

You can watch it here by hitting play or see the video on youtube at


  1. I really love your video. You see so much beauty in the world and you capture it in your photography and in your words. You make it available to the rest of us who do not take the time to see it or cannot see it because our hearts were broken.

    Just don't tell me you were drivin' and shootin' video at the same time. ;)

  2. Wow--great stuff. I have never visited Milwaukee, and often, I think of photography in the context of going somewhere away from home. A project focused on home may not be a bad idea...
