Today I will feed my soul with words from within a place inside me that has sacrificed so much, especially this year. I will also do my yoga and sit quietly somewhere. All week I have felt a quiet but present despair. It is that feeling when you know you have driven back and forth from work and home, but the memory of the drive is blank. It is due to being programmed to make that trip - day in and day out - day after day after day. Nothing changes and nothing exciting happens. Before I know it, I will be an old women who had wanted to realize a dream but I was busy working my life away to line someone's pockets more than my own.
I know that when there is a sense of betrayal - my being uncentered with unexplained blue funk - that taking time out from the hectic, creativity-eating world, is due. I will say no to the boss, phones, business e-mail, crowds of suits who don't give a damn and demanding offspring. I am in solitude today with my words.
Today will be dedicated to the spirit who wishes to write morning pages, poetry and a short story in the company of sleepy cats.
How I wish I could do this every day. I believe it is what I was put here on earth to do.